

2023-04-08 22:26作者:珍爱网分类: 阅历常识 阅读:928



1、急求常识英文在现代社会中,英语已成为一种全球通用的语言。无论是在学校还是在工作中,我们都需要具备一定的英语能力。以下是一些常识英文,希望对大家有所帮助。1. 问好:在英语中,问好的方式有很多种,比如:- Hello!(你好!)- Hi!(嗨!)- Good morning!(早上好!)- Good afternoon!(下午好!)- Good evening!(晚上好!)- How are you?(你好吗?)2. 自我介绍:当你和陌生人见面时,需要进行自我介绍。

2、下面是一个简单的自我介绍:- Hello! My name is Tom.(你好!我叫汤姆。)- Nice to meet you.(很高兴认识你。

3、)- I'm from America.(我来自美国。)- I work as a teacher.(我是一名教师。)- What do you do?(你做什么工作?)3. 问路:如果你在外面迷路了,可以使用下面的句子来问路:- Excuse me, where is the nearest station?(对不起,请问最近的车站在哪里?)- Can you tell me how to get to the park?(你能告诉我怎么去公园吗?)- I'm lost. Can you help me?(我迷路了,你能帮帮我吗?)4. 谈论天气:天气是一个常见的话题。



As human beings, we rely on our common sense to navigate through our daily lives. Common sense is the ability to use practical knowledge and experience to make decisions and judgments. It is a crucial aspect of our lives because it helps us make sense of the world around us.One of the most important aspects of common sense is safety. We know that we should look both ways before crossing the street and avoid touching hot surfaces. These are basic safety measures that we learn from a young age, and they stay with us throughout our lives.Another crucial aspect of common sense is social etiquette. We know that it is polite to say "please" and "thank you" and to hold the door open for someone. These small gestures go a long way in making people feel appreciated and respected.In addition, common sense helps us make decisions about our health and well-being. We know that eating a balanced diet and getting enough exercise are important for our physical health, and that taking breaks and managing stress are important for our mental health.Common sense also helps us navigate through social situations. We know that it is not appropriate to talk loudly on our cell phones in public places or to interrupt someone when they are speaking. These social norms help us interact with others in a respectful and considerate manner.In conclusion, common sense is an essential part of our daily lives. It helps us make decisions, stay safe, and interact with others in a respectful and considerate manner. By relying on our common sense, we can navigate through life with confidence and ease.。

常识 英文



